Smart Contracts

You may see working examples of simple smart contracts:


In Nebulas, there are two supported languages for writing smart contracts:

They are supported by the integration of Chrome V8, a widely used JavaScript engine developed by The Chromium Project for Google Chrome and Chromium web browsers.

Execution Model

The diagram below is the Execution Model of the Smart Contract:

Smart Contract Execution Model

Smart Contract Execution Model

  1. The whole src of the Smart Contract and its arguments are packaged in the Transaction and deployed on Nebulas.
  2. The execution of Smart Contract is divided in two phases:
  3. Preprocess: inject tracing instruction, etc.
  4. Execute: generate executable src and execute it.


Contracts in Nebulas are similar to classes in object-oriented languages. They contain persistent data in state variables and functions that can modify these variables.

Writing Contract

A contract must be a Prototype Object or Class in JavaScript or TypeScript.

A Contract must include an init function, it will be executed only once when deploying. Functions whose names start with _ are private and can’t be executed in a Transaction. The others are all public and can be executed in a Transaction.

Since the Contract is executed on Chrome V8, all instance variables are in memory, it’s not wise to save all of them to state trie in Nebulas. In Nebulas, we provide LocalContractStorage and GlobalContractStorage objects to help developers define fields needing to be saved to state trie. And those fields should be defined in constructor of the Contract, before other functions.

The following is a sample contract:

class Rectangle {
    constructor() {
        // define fields stored to state trie.
        LocalContractStorage.defineProperties(this, {
            height: null,
            width: null,

    // init function.
    init(height, width) {
        this.height = height;
        this.width = width;

    // calc area function.
    calcArea() {
        return this.height * this.width;

    // verify function.
    verify(expected) {
        let area = this.calcArea();
        if (expected != area) {
            throw new Error("Error: expected " + expected + ", actual is " + area + ".");


In JavaScript, there is no function visibility, all functions defined in prototype object are public.

In Nebulas, we define two kinds of visibility public and private:

  • public All functions whose name matches the regexp ^[a-zA-Z$][A-Za-z0-9_$]*$ are public, except init. Public functions can be called via Transaction.
  • private All functions whose name starts with _ are private. A private function can only be called by public functions.

Global Objects


The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The global console can be used without calling require('console').[...args])

  • ...args <any>

The function is an alias for console.log().


  • ...args <any>

Print args to Nebulas Logger at level info.


  • ...args <any>

Print args to Nebulas Logger at level debug.


  • ...args <any>

Print args to Nebulas Logger at level warn.


  • ...args <any>

Print args to Nebulas Logger at level error.


The LocalContractStorage module provides a state trie based storage capability. It accepts string only key value pairs. And all data is stored to a private state trie associated with the current contract address. Only the contract can access it.


The BigNumber module uses the bignumber.js, a JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic operations. The contract can use BigNumber directly to handle the value of the transaction and other value transfers.

var value = new BigNumber(0);;


The Blockchain module provides an object for contracts to obtain transactions and blocks executed by the current contract. Also, the NAS can be transferred from the contract and the address check is provided.

Blockchain API:

// current block

// current transaction, transaction's value/gasPrice/gasLimit auto change to BigNumber object

// transfer NAS from contract to address
Blockchain.transfer(address, value);

// verify address


  • block: current block for contract execution
  • timestamp: block timestamp
  • seed: random seed
  • height: block height
  • transaction: current transaction for contract execution
  • hash: transaction hash
  • from: sender address of the transaction
  • to: recipient address of the transaction
  • value: transaction value, a BigNumber object for contract use
  • nonce: transaction nonce
  • timestamp: transaction timestamp
  • gasPrice: transaction gasPrice, a BigNumber object for contract use
  • gasLimit: transaction gasLimit, a BigNumber object for contract use
  • transfer(address, value): transfer NAS from contract to address
  • params:
    • address: nebulas address to receive NAS
    • value: transfer value, a BigNumber object
  • return:
    • 0: transfer success
    • 1: transfer failed
  • verifyAddress(address): verify address
  • params:
    • address: address need to check
  • return:
    • 1: address is valid
    • 0: address is invalid

Example to use:

'use strict';

var SampleContract = function () {
    LocalContractStorage.defineProperties(this, {
        name: null,
        count: null
    LocalContractStorage.defineMapProperty(this, "allocation");

SampleContract.prototype = {
    init: function (name, count, allocation) { = name;
        this.count = count;
        allocation.forEach(function (item) {
            this.allocation.put(, item.count);
        }, this);
        console.log('init: Blockchain.block.coinbase = ' + Blockchain.block.coinbase);
        console.log('init: Blockchain.block.hash = ' + Blockchain.block.hash);
        console.log('init: Blockchain.block.height = ' + Blockchain.block.height);
        console.log('init: Blockchain.transaction.from = ' + Blockchain.transaction.from);
        console.log('init: = ' +;
        console.log('init: Blockchain.transaction.value = ' + Blockchain.transaction.value);
        console.log('init: Blockchain.transaction.nonce = ' + Blockchain.transaction.nonce);
        console.log('init: Blockchain.transaction.hash = ' + Blockchain.transaction.hash);
    transfer: function (address, value) {
        var result = Blockchain.transfer(address, value);
        console.log("transfer result:", result);
        Event.Trigger("transfer", {
            Transfer: {
                to: address,
                value: value
    verifyAddress: function (address) {
         var result = Blockchain.verifyAddress(address);
        console.log("verifyAddress result:", result);

module.exports = SampleContract;


The Event module records execution events in the contract. The recorded events are stored in the event trie on the chain, which can be fetched by FetchEvents method in block with the execution transaction hash. All contract event topics have a chain.contract. prefix before the topic they set in contract.

Event.Trigger(topic, obj);
  • topic: user-defined topic
  • obj: JSON object

You can see the example in SampleContract above.


  • Math.random() returns a floating-point, pseudo-random number in the range from 0 inclusive, up to, but not including 1. The typical usage is:
"use strict";

var BankVaultContract = function () {};

BankVaultContract.prototype = {

    init: function () {},

    game: function(subscript){

        var arr =[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13];

        for(var i = 0;i < arr.length; i++){
            var rand = parseInt(Math.random()*arr.length);
            var t = arr[rand];
            arr[rand] =arr[i];
            arr[i] = t;

        return arr[parseInt(subscript)];
module.exports = BankVaultContract;
  • Math.random.seed(myseed) if needed, you can use this method to reset the random seed. The argument myseed must be a string.
"use strict";

var BankVaultContract = function \(\) {};

BankVaultContract.prototype = {

  init: function () {},

  game:function(subscript, myseed){

      var arr =[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13];


      for(var i = 0;i < arr.length; i++){

          if (i == 8) {
              // reset random seed with `myseed`

          var rand = parseInt(Math.random()*arr.length);
          var t = arr[rand];
          arr[rand] =arr[i];
          arr[i] = t;
      return arr[parseInt(subscript)];


module.exports = BankVaultContract;


"use strict";

var BankVaultContract = function () {};

BankVaultContract.prototype = {
    init: function () {},

    test: function(){
        var d = new Date();
        return d.toString();

module.exports = BankVaultContract;


  • Unsupported methods:toDateString(), toTimeString(), getTimezoneOffset(), toLocaleXXX().
  • new Date()/ returns the timestamp of current block in milliseconds.
  • getXXX returns the result of getUTCXXX.


this method aims to make it possible to send a binary transfer to a contract account. As to is a smart contact address, which has declared the function accept() and it excuted correctly, the transfer will succeed. If the Tx is a non-binary Tx, it will be treated as a normal function.

"use strict";
var DepositeContent = function (text) {
            var o = JSON.parse(text);
            this.balance = new BigNumber(o.balance);//余额信息
            this.address = o.address;
            this.balance = new BigNumber(0);
            this.address = "";

DepositeContent.prototype = {
    toString: function () {
          return JSON.stringify(this);

var BankVaultContract = function () {
    LocalContractStorage.defineMapProperty(this, "bankVault", {
         parse: function (text) {
              return new DepositeContent(text);
         stringify: function (o) {
              return o.toString();

BankVaultContract.prototype = {
    init: function () {},

    save: function () {
          var from = Blockchain.transaction.from;
          var value = Blockchain.transaction.value;
          value = new BigNumber(value);
          var orig_deposit = this.bankVault.get(from);
          if (orig_deposit) {
                value =;

          var deposit = new DepositeContent();
          deposit.balance = new BigNumber(value);
          deposit.address = from;
          this.bankVault.put(from, deposit);

        Event.Trigger("transfer", {
            Transfer: {
                from: Blockchain.transaction.from,
                value: Blockchain.transaction.value,

module.exports = BankVaultContract;