Nebulas 101 - 05 Interacting with Nebulas by RPC API

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Nebulas chain node can be accessed and controlled remotely through RPC. Nebulas chain provides a series of APIs to get node information, account balances, send transactions and deploy calls to smart contracts.

The remote access to the Nebulas chain is implemented by gRPC, and also could be accessed by HTTP via the proxy (grpc-gateway). HTTP access is a interface implemented by RESTful, with the same parameters as the gRPC interface.


We‘ve implemented RPC server and HTTP sercer to provide API service in Go-Nebulas.


All interfaces are divided into two modules: API and Admin.

  • API: Provides interfaces that are not related to the user‘s private key.
  • Admin: Provides interfaces that are related to the user‘s private key.

It‘s recommended for all Nebulas nodes to open API module for public users and Admin module for authorized users.


RPC server and HTTP server can be configured in the configuration file of each Nebulas node.

rpc {
    # gRPC API service port
    rpc_listen: [""]
    # HTTP API service port
    http_listen: [""]
    # Open module that can provide http service to outside
    http_module: ["api", "admin"]



Here is some examples to invoke HTTP interfaces using curl.


We can invoke GetNebState in API module to fetch the current state of local Nebulas node, including chain identity, tail block, protocl version and so on.

> curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X GET http://localhost:8685/v1/user/nebstate



We can invoke UnlockAccount in Admin module to unlock an account in memory. All unlocked accounts can be used to send transactions directly without passphrases.

> curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/admin/account/unlock -d '{"address":"n1NrMKTYESZRCwPFDLFKiKREzZKaN1nhQvz", "passphrase": "passphrase"}'



RPC server is implemented with GRPC. The serialization of GPRC is based on Protocol Buffers. You can find all rpc protobuf files in Nebulas RPC Protobuf Folder.

Here is some examples to invoke rpc interfaces using golang.


We can invoke GetNebState in API module to fetch the current state of local Nebulas node.


// GRPC server connection address configuration
addr := fmt.Sprintf("",uint32(8684))
conn, err := grpc.Dial(addr, grpc.WithInsecure())
if err != nil {
    log.Warn("rpc.Dial() failed:", err)
defer conn.Close()

// API interface to access node status information
api := rpcpb.NewAPIServiceClient(conn)
resp, err := ac.GetNebState(context.Background(), & rpcpb.GetNebStateRequest {})
if err != nil {
    log.Println("GetNebState", "failed", err)
} else {
    log.Println("GetNebState tail", resp)


Account n1NrMKTYESZRCwPFDLFKiKREzZKaN1nhQvz has been unlocked after invoking v1/admin/account/unlock via HTTP request above. We can invoke LockAccount in Admin module to lock it again.


// GRPC server connection address configuration
addr := fmt.Sprintf("",uint32(8684))
conn, err := grpc.Dial(addr, grpc.WithInsecure())
if err != nil {
    log.Warn("rpc.Dial() failed:", err)
defer conn.Close()

// Admin interface to access, lock account address
admin := rpcpb.NewAdminServiceClient(conn)
resp, err = management.LockAccount(context.Background(), & rpcpb.LockAccountRequest {Address: from})
if err != nil {
    log.Println("LockAccount", from, "failed", err)
} else {
    log.Println("LockAccount", from, "result", resp)

API List

For more interfaces, please refer to the official documentation: